So I’ll admit upfront that this isn’t much of a blog post update, it’s not really a day that I can share with you without explaining that you have to experience a Packer bar to understand. If you haven’t, it’s easy to do all over the world. Just go to and find yourself the nearest Packers bar – and go watch the Green Bay Packers with the NFL’s friendliest fan base (at least in my opinion).


Why am I a Green Bay fan? It’s a long story but let’s just say that I liked Aaron Rodgers long before Green Bay, and I followed his entire career as a football fan. When it led to Green Bay, I watched, loved the team, and when I started going to Packers bars in 2019… I was hooked. They’re a fun team to be a fan of – expectations are always high – and knowing that no matter where you are in the world you can always find a place to celebrate should make it easy to understand why I was excited to walk into “Quinn’s Almost by the Sea” this Sunday about two hours before the Packers game and start jostling for position at the bar.


A blurry view of Quinn’s, sorry – I should have brought my big camera this trip!


We started behind the bar… all seats full for the early morning games… and then as people cycled out the bar “locals” (who all recognized and welcomed Mark) moved around the corner and invited us in. We dove in two seats like vultures – and took up our position for the next five hours – first for breakfast – which Quinn’s serves only on Sundays during football season – and then for the game. I had a few too many POG mimosas, biscuits and gravy, and then settled into a routine of beer and water as the game started.


Unfortunately for us… the game didn’t go our way that day, but about halftime I ordered some french fries which were delicious, Mark ordered us some customary cheese curds, and the day was saved by good food and good drinks as we whittled away the hours watching the Packers put up a good fight (well good-ish, fight), and ultimately lose to their division rivals – the Vikings. All throughout we talked with other Packers fans visiting Kona, got patted on the back and “hello’s” from locals who know Mark, and even had some Vikings and Bears fans stop in or walk by as we said hello and boo’d them as is required by football etiquette.


Once the game wrapped up it was early afternoon, and I was once again tired. I don’t drink this much usually anymore and the day-drinking had me ready for a nap. We sat outside in the sun for a bit, recovering, Mark smoking a cigar while I had not yet recovered from my one the day before at the sea-side, and relaxed. Then we headed back to the car and back to the house for a nap and eventually… a movie. We could have gone out, there were lots of great places to see, but we were both tired and ready for something simple – especially with a big plan of tourism on the docket for the next day.


So I convinced Mark to join me in some bad behavior for the first time since he moved to Kona… and we ordered Dominos – yes, Dominos pizza. It hit the spot, and got us both in the mood for the next day – when we planned to take a road trip all over the island and work off some of the food we’d been packing away during the weekend.

Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.