Today is something else entirely. During the night the sea awoke underneath us, and waves crashed against our window all night long. Many were higher than our window (we’re on the second level), and the upper decks also were getting splashed by the waves. In all, these waves weren’t much more than what we saw on the way down… and I woke up feeling a little green. I took pills, grabbed breakfast as soon as possible (counter-intuitive, I know, but the more you eat the less things slosh around), and tried to make it through the day. Just a few more hours… I kept telling myself, and things would calm down.

As I was sick… never did get pictures of the waves… so here’s a landscape near Half Moon Island from the first few days of the trip
I again missed the morning lecture, but got up for a disembarkation briefing , (a good story actually… we ran into some luggage trouble but that’s in a later post once I know if I actually get my luggage back or not. I’m writing this now a few days later) and a lecture on whales. The whales lecture was a bit of a repeat, but I have no complaints. It was good to hear some of the information again and learn more about the animals in the water around us. We also watched drone footage taken on the trip, and I was glad to learn that the guy who was the “professional” on the trip and had received permission to film using UAV down here actually runs the same equipment that I have at home… just a little bit newer. It was good to feel validated in my choice of drone, now just to get some footage of my own! Drones are not typically allowed down here, and the individual in question had to get permission from various entities, follow extremely strict guidelines, and modify his drone to become compliant with the exception he was granted.
We finished up on board with a captain’s dinner, and Jen and I both dressed up. I brought my suit and tie for the occasion, and we were the best-dressed pair at the party. We had a few drinks, met the staff, and then headed down to dinner. By now the seas were calm, and I was feeling much better. Well into the Beagle, we anchored for the night so that we could reach the port on time (they have to have a buffer in case of really bad weather), and had a few more drinks in the lounge. We said some goodbyes, solidified some friendships, and I packed everything to be ready for the next morning. What a trip it had been so far!
One small thing I should mention… all of my adult life I’ve talked about owning a boat. I no longer want to own a boat. Boats are crazy, people who like rocking back and forth that much are crazy. I’ll have to find something else I want to own in life… boats are not in the plan any more. Jen finds this very funny, I’m just glad to be a few hours away from having my feet on dry, stationary land again.