
May 26 – June 1 – Wrapping Up

By June 2, 2015October 13th, 2020No Comments

In the week since my adventure to the Taj Mahal, I’ve been doing a lot of work… and really that’s about it! Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to take a “beach vacation” and spend most of they day laying down, watching the water, drinking excessive amounts, and enjoying myself at a leisurely pace… but I’m not sure I’m that person. I might be… we’ll have to see… (actually an opportunity for next year is pending for this type) but I tend to find myself filling every minute, and by the end of the trip feeling a complete exhaustion that is superbly satisfying. I always hear myself saying “I may never be back here…” and pushing to fit more in, thinking of things to do and try, and that’s what I’ve been doing here in Bangalore, at least up until this week.


I returned from my trip, and work was busier than it has ever been. It’s a theme here I think, that I believe every week to be busier, but this time it’s very true. Ten more people joined the staff last week, at the same time as a very skilled colleague who had been keeping work from me departed for Canada. Between Brian, Joe, and a few others I’d always had someone there to split the work… and now it was just me for my specialties, and I could feel it wearing on me.


I would get off of work, and look forward to sleep, but the sleep I did get was restless and insufficient. Each night I would sleep a minimum of two hours, and a maximum of three to four. As the week drew on, I could tell I was becoming more and more irritable and by Friday I couldn’t wait for the day to end. It’s not something I typically feel at work, but this week was an exception. I felt bad for the guys I was supposed to be helping, because while typically I try to teach and move the cases forward at the same time, they got quick resolutions and not much follow-through because what I really wanted to do was get back to my desk and relax. I’m glad that week is over now!


Through the weekend, I focused primarily on taking it easy. I got home from work Saturday morning and went right to bed. I slept easily and got up around noon. I watched some TV here, something I’ve only done twice before in six weeks, and Saturday night we went out and enjoyed dinner at a nearby beer club. I had bacon-wrapped Italian sausages (the first real bacon I’ve had since I’ve been here!), which were delicious! After a few beers, we called it a night and I got to bed a bit late. Sunday I was up early again, had breakfast with a friend here (a man named Jim, who came in two weeks ago from our Colorado office), and went back to my room to post my last update from the trip.


Around 1:00 PM, we went shopping, and I finished up my gift buying experience in another of the high-pressure sales store where they force everything in the store upon you for you to marvel at, and purchase. I knew what i was headed for, bought only that, and you could feel the store owners bristling when I refused to look at this, or see that, or buy a huge rug I would have had to ship back. All in all, a regular (and somewhat fun after the first time) experience in shopping. With a final package, though, I’m done! I have no more shopping to do! It’s probably a good thing… I’ve overspent this trip! I’m lucky that work has handled all the travel and per-diem costs!


Monday morning, I finally woke up paying for one or another of my indiscretions here in India. A headache, feeling queasy, extreme fatigue… my mind swam with all the things it could have been. I called into work, and told them not to expect me, and then from about 8:00 until this morning at 3:30 AM, I slept. I slept nearly 32 hours in 36. Today I still feel a bit tired, and I started taking antibiotics that were sent with me just for these types of feelings yesterday morning and they appear to be helping. I’m not sure if it was the beer, the sausage and the bacon, or just a lot of frustration and a lack of sleep finally catching up with me… but I’m facing a fifteen hour flight on Friday, and I’d rather be safe than sorry with that in mind!


I’m feeling up to working today, so soon I’ll be packing up my laptop and heading in. I’ve been switched to a day shift this week working 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM India Standard Time (9:30 PM – 6:30 AM MT), and I am very excited. I actually get to see daylight, and the office in normal working hours! I’m also teaching for about two hours every day, with only three days left. I have a lot to look forward to this week!


Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.