So… I cheated today – all over the place. It was still a good day, though. I’m going to have to ask for your forgiveness overall – it was time for this to feel more like a vacation and less like a challenge…


I started off the day super-early for two reasons – first because I couldn’t sleep nearly all of last night, and second because I’d wanted to go visit the St. Louis Arch before it got too busy this morning. I was able to do that…



Oh! AND for the first time today I interacted with a statute  – and almost immediately got asked what the heck I was doing. It was fun, though!



And so… with that sorted before 8AM and very little sleep behind me… I got on the road as soon as possible – hoping to take a few breaks here and there to keep my head straight.


And that’s really what today turned into – a fight against tiredness on the road. I had to make Oak Ridge, but I was definitely tired. I took two naps today, one at a rest stop and one in the back of a Hilton hotel parking lot (don’t tell anybody!) – cat naps just to keep me alert enough to keep driving until I made it to my friend’s house.


I didn’t have it in me to try to find a gas station for lunch today – I settled for an old’ classic. I’m sorry Bubba – I had to fail the rule this time. I blame being sleepy overall – but I’ll do better on the way back West for sure! I figured if anything maybe a little protein would be help – it did. This was the right decision for sure.



I was able to also fit in a boba stop today – and I was blown away in a good way! I don’t know if any of you will ever be around Cooksville, TN… but if you are… stop by “Boba Tea 4 Me”. It was, by far, the best boba I have had this trip so far!  I had a “ruto” drink, some type of root vegetable, and it was delicious. I would strongly encourage you to try it out and see what you think as well!



And with that… I descended into the Tennessee valley and down to Oak Ridge. I stopped by my friend’s house and had some amazing homemade ribs, salad, and mashed potatoes. Meanwhile he broke out a good red wine, and then we started in on the whiskey. It was great to catch up, and talk like no time had passed at all – which is, of course, how it always goes with your closest friends.


I’m not sure that I’ll blog tomorrow or the next day, we’ll see. We have some personal/family plans (I’ve known this guy’s family for 20+ years so seeing his parents, etc.,) but also some plans to go to a favorite restaurant, maybe Dollywood, who knows! If there’s anything worth sharing with this broader audience… I promise I’ll be sure to post about it.


Have a great week everyone!



Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.

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