It’s taken me a few days to post this… but after my second night in Salina I woke up early and ready to head home – with luck I could be there by around mid-afternoon and while I didn’t feel like I’d slept much the sun was up… and I was packed and ready. I went down and checked out of a hotel for the last time this trip… stopped by Starbucks as has become obligatory, and turned the car westward.


Much like the first day… I just drove. I’ve been through this part before, knew there was nothing on the side of ht4e road I’d want to see, but kept hoping for something… anything… and found nothing. I think I have to admit it at this point – I’m just not a fan of road trips. I think I’m also not a fan of Kansas, but that’s another story for another time.


Thank you to all of you whom I called along the way to keep me awake this trip – I relied on that a lot. I also relied on caffeine an sugar, not the best of ideas but something I’ll admit I need to work on. I think that’s something else this trip has taught me – I’m not at peak-weight, peak-health, or peak-stamina for a demanding trip let alone an easy one like this. It’s time to go find the inner-hobo again, get lean and mean, and start developing the mindset where I’m comfortable being uncomfortable again. I’ve grown complacent, in my own ways, and enabled a complacent lifestyle. No more. I have too much fun traveling for that!


More to come the next few months as I have plans to visit at least Maine and maybe Hawaii for a few days as I keep checking states off my “visit” list. As it stands… if I were wanting to visit all 50, here are my remaining ones:


Alaska – 2025, tentative
Hawaii – Dec 2024
Maine – Oct 2024
North Dakota
South Dakota
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
South Dakota
West Virgina

Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.

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