Today is going to be a short blog because it’s late – I do want to ensure I give an update but I also want to represent the trip appropriately! Yesterday I took an extra nap and it was like a driver’s super-power today as a result – I drove. I just drove. I didn’t even realize I had passed through Nashville until the car welcomed me to Kentucky!

I know that sounds weird maybe… but you’ve never seen me just rocking out to music, singing along, making the car dance with me. I can get pretty focused…

Not that I wasn’t paying attention to the road – I was – it’s just that sometimes you’re in the zone. So for rules today I didn’t do many, I’m sorry! Again, though, there were no chances for Americana save for a petting zoo that would have been two hours out of the way – which is too long. Again if I’ve learned anything this trip I’ve learned that my idea of what is available “road side” is outdated… to say the least. Road trips today aren’t like they were back in the day – at least unless you want to visit Adult stores (you know the type) – there seem to be plenty of those.


Actually you know what? I did stop just West of Tennessee today (without knowing it) to get some gas – and also grabbed some lunch… from the gas station – see the left side there?


The gas station was also a fried chicken restaurant – and it was easily my favorite fair-game lunch of the trip so far.


Here’s to hoping I get some good rest tonight – there’s storms through the night tonight but clear skies tomorrow – somehow I’ve missed all the unpleasantness out East right now. I’m hoping for good weather and a well-rested start to the drive!


Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.

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