I’m sitting in the airport today, and just texted Jen something like ‘Plaaaaane! Plane plane plane plane! I love airports! I have missed this!”. It’s hard to explain, or maybe it’s not. If you get it, you get it I suppose.

And yes, New York was only about a month ago and I have been very lucky throughout my life to travel… but today I got to hand somebody my passport and somehow that is just different. I haven’t left the US since last May, haven’t had a consistent travel schedule since August, and it’s finally ramping up again. More than ever, especially with some of the life things that have been going on in CO for me, I’m convinced it’s time to go wandering (even if that wandering is for work).

I think I explained this in the 7-continents post, but downtime is not something I care for. I feel trapped, restless, always waiting for the next thing. Without trips planned, I list from hobby to hobby… growing bored and disinterested. I’ve been able to focus on some personal-betterment goals this year, including losing 50 pounds (ish) with another 100 pounds to go… but at the end of the day it’s almost just static in comparison to the idea that I need to have and plan another trip. And boy is it time to travel.

Today I’m leaving a lot of indecision behind me in Colorado. The world is a great big place and I’m ready to go explore it a little more. I’m excited to go make some memories, and that starts now.

I’m waiting for a coworker to join me at Caribou Coffee in a terminal at Denver Airport (DEN) (Hi Mike!) at which point we’ll head over to the United Club for a few hours while we wait for the flight to board in a few hours here. From Denver, we head to Heathrow on this… the last day that England is part of the EU. I’m honestly not sure what customs will look like. My bags were checked through all the way to Cork, but my boarding pass didn’t register. I have a feeling It’s going to be a mess… but we have five and a half hours to figure it out (and grab breakfast at the Perfectionists’ Café) before the flight to Cork, Ireland on Aer Lingus. I have some Euro already in my pocket, leftovers from a previous trip, and for some reason it makes me feel like even more of a traveler. I shouldn’t even have to exchange money this trip, I was already prepared! That said… I forgot bar soap, so… a win here… a loss there. It’ll all even out in the end!

I’m going to end this post here, I plan to write throughout the trip as I’m able but we’ve got a lot of work to do this time around. I’m also planning to do a lot of exercising as well, I have to keep up with my coffee habit!


Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.