
The Final Countdown! – Australia Kickoff & Pre-Planning wrap-up

By September 1, 2017No Comments

I can’t believe it’s come this fast, I can’t believe it’s time.


That’s the only thing that is running through my mind over and over again today, and this past week. I know, I owe you guys a post about the rest of our trip… we’re stopping in Melbourne, and Sydney in Australia before heading on to Queenstown and Aukland in New Zealand. There are so many things to tell you about and now so many things I’m not going to have time to do with pre-trip blog posts. I wish that I had more time! Between work and preparing for this trip, there just hasn’t been enough time.


I think that’s part of why I keep hearing the above in my head, because this is the final one. This is the final continent for both Jen and I, but this is also the culmination of a four-year run-up that has covered Africa, Asia, Antarctica and South America, and now finally Australia to round it out… and what a thing to be able to say we’ve rounded out. In the next forty-eight hours… I can say I’ve been “everywhere”, or at least closer to everywhere than many who have lived a lot longer. The bags are packed, the friends are assembled (Including Jen’s brother, Jon, who will be joining us for the trip!), and the plane leaves in five hours. It’s finally time.


I have the same qualms I always do before long flights… I’m about to get on a plane for fifteen hours, with another four hour trip after that. It doesn’t help that this time we’re in economy with no chance of upgrade… and that today has been overwhelming hot in San Francisco, where I’m staying… It’s 108 degrees right now and there is no air conditioning. I feel sorry for those on the plane around me, this is no state in which to start a trip!


We’re headed to dinner, where I’ll probably snack light and stay away from anything dangerous from a “nothing in/out” perspective. I’ve never used an airplane bathroom and I hope to keep that up! More as it comes!



Bradley Mott

About Bradley Mott

Bradley Mott is a co-owner of Free Range Hobo, living near Denver, Colorado, and is a dedicated traveler. By day Brad works in Information Technology and loves every minute of it, but his passion has always been writing, travel, and seeking adventure.