
The Day Before the Trip

By August 27, 2014One Comment

It’s 6:00 on 8/28, and I’m about half packed for the trip. Today is going to consist of a quick trip to work to pick up some things I shipped there, phone calls to airlines to confirm seats and attempt to upgrade seating to exit row, breaking in some new shoes I just bought yesterday (I’ve been trying to find time for a month…), and to start off the day a very nice cup of coffee from a local coffee shop. We leave tomorrow morning at 8:15 or so, and today is the last day, we’re on our way.

To some degree it’s odd for me to think about traveling. I really want to travel, I always have, but to another large degree I suffer from being a creature of habit, and this dichotomy makes me apprehensive. Stepping out to explore the unknown, at least the unknown to me, and realizing that the day is finally here… the trip is about to start, and tomorrow I break my routine.

I’m lucky to have traveled somewhat recently, though I felt the same way before heading to Costa Rica in March. It’s a pretty deep-seeded apprehension, I suppose, but once I take the first few steps out the door there is a sense of relief, a sense that I’m doing the right thing and that I’m going to have a great time. I wouldn’t trade that feeling for the world.

It is my hope that we will update this blog throughout the trip, though some places we are staying have no internet so while I may write a daily update, it may take some time before it uploads. I love writing, and this site will give me a way to discuss our trip, how each day goes, where we are, share some of the photos, and hopefully be pretty entertaining at the same time. I’m looking forward to sharing the experience.


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